CTAN Submission – paralist v2.1
Date: September 21, 2001 12:03:31 AM CEST
----- Forwarded message from Bernd Schandl -----
I have uploaded the file paralist.21.zip to the /incoming directory of
The package is licensed under the LPPL.
I recommend placing the unpacked files README, paralist.ins and
paralist.dtx in
replacing the old versions.
>From the abstract:
This style file provides some new list environments. Itemized and
enumerated lists can be typesetted within paragraphs, as
paragraphs and in a compact version. Most environments have
optional arguments to format the labels.
Additionally, the \LaTeX\ environments |itemize| and |enumerate|
can be extended to use a similar optional argument.
New in the version are:
- New options alwaysadjust, neveradjust and neverdecreas to adjust label
- New environments asparadesc and inparadesc.
- Flushleft labels.
- New macros \setdefaultleftmargin, \setdefaultitem and \setdefaultenum
replacing the macros without "set". Now the left margin for all six
possible list labels can be set.
- New macros \enumlabel, \itemlabel and \paradescriptionlabel to define
label format.
----- End forwarded message -----
Thanks for the submission, I installed the new version in
as suggested.
Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team
paralist – Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
Provides enumerate and itemize environments that can be used within paragraphs to format the items either as running text or as separate paragraphs with a preceding number or symbol.
Also provides compacted versions of enumerate and itemize.
Package | paralist |
Version | 2.7 2017-01-22 |
Maintainer | Bernd Schandl |