Directory support/style_showcase
The style_showcase helps you make a web page that allows visitors to compare a number of article styles. The script will build a sample LaTeX source file using the given style, create the .pdf, and convert the result to small and regular-sized .png graphics. Then you can incorporate those in the .html file. (You could of course incorporate documents into the .html file that are not generated by the script.) The script runs under python 2. It needs the 'convert' program from imagemagik. The test text is from the lipsum package, with math taken from the amsmath documentation. The html page color scheme was chosen by . License: pd Author: Jim Hefferon, 2010-Feb-16
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (8.9k).
style-showcase – Make a web page to compare styles
The bundle supports the preparation of web pages that allow users to compare a number of article styles.
Package | style-showcase |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Licenses | Public Domain Software |
Maintainer | Jim Hefferon |
Topics | Misc support |