Directory support/makedtx
Table of Contents ───────────────── makedtx v1.2 : a Perl script to help create .dtx and .ins files Last Modified: 2018-02-19 Author : Nicola Talbot Files : • makedtx.dtx - documented source file • makedtx.ins - installation script The makedtx bundle is provided to help LaTeX2e developers to write the code and documentation in separate files, and then combine them into a single .dtx file for distribution. It automatically generates the character table, and also writes the associated installation (.ins) script. To extract the code do: ┌──── │ latex makedtx.ins └──── To extract the documentation do after extracting the code: ┌──── │ latexmk -r └──── If you don't have latexmk or makeindex, you can also do the following to have the documentation w/o index: ┌──── │ pdflatex makedtx.dtx │ pdflatex makedtx.dtx └──── Read the documentation for installation instructions. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See [] for the details of that license. []
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makedtx – Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
The makedtx bundle is provided to help LaTeX2ε developers to write the code and documentation in separate files, and then combine them into a single .dtx file for distribution. It automatically generates the character table, and also writes the associated installation (.ins) script.
Package | makedtx |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Repository | |
Developers | |
Version | 1.2 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2018 Nicola Talbot |
Maintainer | Vincent Belaïche Nicola Talbot (inactive) |
Contained in | TeX Live as makedtx MiKTeX as makedtx |
Topics | Package development |
See also | sty2dtx |