CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory support/epstopdf

$Id: README 71121 2024-04-29 17:27:25Z karl $
This file is public domain.  (Originally written by Karl Berry, 2009.)

This is the README for the epstopdf script distribution.

Primary distribution point: https://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf
  (list of mirrors at: https://ctan.org/mirrors)

Home page: https://tug.org/epstopdf/

Run epstopdf --help for the usual list of options, examples, etc.

Mailing list for bugs and discussion: http://lists.tug.org/tex-k
When reporting bugs, please include an input file and command line
options, so the problem can be reproduced.

Various test files and a Makefile to exercise them are in the source
repository, which is currently a subdirectory of the texlive Subversion
repo, purely for the developers' convenience:

The test-binary and test-bin2 files there were supplied by Akira Kakuto and
Reinhard Kotucha.  They contain binary data.  They are public domain.

The test-binhdr* files were supplied by Martin von Gagern, constructed
as follows.  They contain binary junk before the EPS starts.  We also
use these to test different line endings.  These files are public domain.

{ echo -e '%Some\000binary\001comment'; dot -Tps <<< 'digraph{a->b}'; }
  > test-binhdr-lf.eps
tr $'\n' $'\r' <test-binhdr-lf.eps >test-binhdr-cr.ps
unix2dos <test-binhdr-lf.eps >test-binhdr-cr.ps

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (43.7k).

epstopdf – Convert EPS to PDF using Ghostscript

Epstopdf is a Perl script that converts an EPS file to an ‘encapsulated’ PDF file (a single page file whose media box is the same as the original EPS’s bounding box). The resulting file suitable for inclusion by pdf as an image. The script is adapted to run both on Windows and on Unix-alike systems.

The script makes use of Ghostscript for the actual conversion to PDF. It assumes Ghostscript version 6.51 or later, and (by default) suppresses its automatic rotation of pages where most of the text is not horizontal.

users may make use of the epstopdf package, which will run the epstopdf script “on the fly”, thus giving the illusion that pdf is accepting EPS graphic files.

Home pagehttps://tug.org/epstopdf/
Version2.36 2024-07-11
LicensesFree license not otherwise listed
Copyright1998–2001 Sebastian Rahtz et al.
2002–2009 Gerben Wierda et al.
2009–2024 Karl Berry et al.
MaintainerKarl Berry
Thomas Esser (inactive)
Heiko Oberdiek (inactive)
Gerben Wierda (inactive)
Sebastian Rahtz (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as epstopdf
MiKTeX as miktex-epstopdf-bin-2.9
TopicsGraphics EPS/PDF
See alsoepstopdf-pkg
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