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Directory support/consdiag

Readme of consdiag.py

What is it

consdiag.py Version 1.1

constructor of diagrams: 

Given a frame of classes and relationships among clases, it 
generates latex code ,that represents those classes in the
Rumbaugh OO notation.

Things like this:
| fruits |
|cheap   |
|sweet   |
|dry     |
|        |
|        |
|eat     |
|buy     |
|take    |
|      / |

    |    | 
    | a  |
   |        | 
   |        |
  ---      ---
  |b|      |c|
  ---      ---

where : a,b,c are  simple classes or another union_derivations.

d is a triangle :)

How to run it.

Take a look at the end of consdiag.py, there you'll see good examples.

How to make the documentation.

Run "latex consdiag.tex" several times , because it needs to update
the crossreferences and such.

Or use a ghostscript visor to view consdiag.ps.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (30.7k).

consdiag – A utility for OO programming documentation

This Python script generates code (using texdraw macros) to draw Rumbaugh Object Modelling Technique boxes.

LicensesFree license not otherwise listed
Copyright1998 Manuel Gutierrez Algaba
MaintainerManuel Gutierrez Algaba
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