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Directory obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/getargs


This short package provides a flexible list-parsing macro with the
ability to configure the parsing character, as well as the macro names
in which the parsed list items are placed.  The name of the parsing
macro is \getargs.

It is a significant improvement over similarly named macros in my
stringstrings and readarray packages.  It is my intent to eventually
have the parsers of those other packages point to this package, to
achieve a measure of uniformity.

Steven B. Segletes

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (383.6k).

getargs – A flexible list-parsing macro with configurable parsing character

This short package provides a flexible list-parsing macro with the ability to configure the parsing character, as well as the macro names in which the parsed list items are placed. The name of the parsing macro is \getargs.

It is a significant improvement over similarly named macros in the same author’s stringstrings and readarray packages. It is the author’s intent to eventually have the parsers of those other packages point to this package, to achieve a measure of uniformity.

Note: This package has been withdrawn by its author in July 2016. It will be replaced by the forthcoming listofitems package.

Version1.01 2016-05-20
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
MaintainerSteven B. Segletes
Contained inMiKTeX as getargs
Text manip
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