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Directory obsolete/graphics/pgf/contrib/pgf-cmykshadings


pgf-cmykshadings — Support for CMYK and grayscale shadings in PGF/TikZ

Note: This package is now deprecated. Support for CMYK and grayscale
shadings was added to pgf in version 3.1.3. Attempting to load it with
recent versions of pgf only changes the default shading colour model with
the xcolor natural colour model to CMYK.

The pgf-cmykshadings package provides support for CMYK and grayscale shadings for the pgf package. By default pgf only supports RGB shadings. pgf-cmykshadings attempts to produce shadings consistent with the currently selected xcolor colour model. The rgb, cmyk, and gray colour models from the xcolor package are supported.

Installation from Live or MiK

pgf-cmykshadings is in Live and MiK and can be installed in the usual way through your distribution. e.g., in Live by running:

tlmgr install pgf-cmykshadings

Installation from CTAN

Download and unpack pgf-cmykshadings.zip from CTAN at https://ctan.org/pkg/pgf-cmykshadings

Change to the pgf-cmykshadings directory, then run:

tex pgf-cmykshadings.ins

to generate the style file (pgf-cmykshadigns.sty) and driver files (pgfsys-cmykshadings-*.def).

Copy these generated files to $TEXMFHOME/tex/latex/pgf-cmykshadings/ and pgf-cmykshadings.pdf to $TEXMFHOME/doc/latex/pgf-cmykshadings/.

You can find $TEXMFHOME by running:

kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME

Installation from Git Source

pgf-cmykshadings uses the l3build system.

Clone the git repository using:

git clone https://github.com/dcpurton/pgf-cmykshadings.git

Change to the pgf-cmykshadings directory, and then the package and documentation can be installed by running:

l3build install --full


Copyright (c) 2018-2019 David Purton <dcpurton@marshwiggle.net>

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
license is in
and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

This work is "maintained" (as per the LPPL maintenance status)
by David Purton.

This work consists of the files pgf-cmykshadings.ins,
pgf-cmykshadings.dtx, README.md, and the derived files
  - pgf-cmykshadings.sty
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-pdftex.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-xetex.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-luatex.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-dvipdfmx.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-dvipdfm.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-dvips.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-textures.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-vtex.def
  - pgfsys-cmykshadings-common-postscript.def
  - pgf-cmykshadings.pdf

Substantial parts of the code for this package are taken from the pgf package
file pgfcoreshade.code.tex, along with the driver files pgfsys-*.def, copyright
(c) 2006 Till Tantau and then slightly modified to support CMYK and grayscale

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (517.6k).

pgf-cmykshadings – Support for CMYK and grayscale shadings in PGF/TikZ

This package provides support for CMYK and grayscale shadings for the pgf package.

By default pgf used to support only RGB shadings. The package attempts to produce shadings consistent with the currently selected xcolor colour model. The rgb, cmyk, and gray colour models from the xcolor package are supported.

Note: This package has been deprecated since pgf version 3.1.3, since CMYK and grayscale shadings are now directly supported.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/dcpurton/pgf-cmykshadings/issues
Version1.2 2019-11-05
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2018–2019 David Purton
MaintainerDavid Purton
Contained inMiKTeX as pgf-cmykshadings
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