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Directory macros/luatex/latex/semesterplannerlua


Readme for the package semesterplannerLua

Author: Lukas Heindl (oss.heindl+latex@protonmail.com).

CTAN page: semesterplannerlua


The package semesterplannerLua is distributed under the LPPL 1.3 license.


The package semesterplannerLua provides commands to print timetables, lists of appointments and exams. Also it is possible to draw calendars of specified ranges (and mark dates which were previously listed).


For a manual installation:

  • put the files semesterplannerlua.ins and semesterplannerlua.dtx in the

same directory;

  • run latex semesterplannerlua.ins in that directory.

The file semesterplannerlua.sty will be generated.

In addition to the semesterplannerlua.sty the files semesterplannerLua_calendar.lua and semesterplannerLua_timetable.lua are also required. You have to put them in the same directory as your document or (best) in a texmf tree.

Simplified version:

  • run l3build unpack to generate the .sty (and the .lua files) in


Experimental: dmenu script

There is also the semesterplannerLua_dmenu.lua script which will display the previous and next (and currently running) item from your timetable via dmenu, copying the url or the link to the TUM roomfinder(if set) to your clipboard if selected.

You might want to adapt the roomfinder behaviour.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (154.8k).

semesterplannerLua – Draw timetables and other organizational matters useful for planning a semester

This package provides commands to print timetables, lists of appointments and exams. Also it is possible to draw calendars of specified ranges (and mark dates which were previously listed). Drawing the timetable is based on TikZ, which makes it very flexible.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/atticus-sullivan/semesterplannerLua/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2024 Lukas Heindl
MaintainerLukas Heindl
Contained inTeX Live as semesterplannerlua
MiKTeX as semesterplannerlua
See alsosemesterplanner
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