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Directory macros/luatex/latex/lualatex-math

The ``lualatex-math`` package

This package patches a few commands of the LaTeX 2ε kernel and the ``amsmath``,
``amsopn``, ``mathtools`` and ``icomma`` packages to be more compatible with
the LuaTeX engine.  It is only meaningful if you compile your documents with


This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License, either
version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.  See
http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/ for the details of that license.


Copy the files ``lualatex-math.sty`` and ``lualatex-math.lua`` to a place where
TeX can find them.  The documentation is contained in the file

To produce the runtime files from the Docstrip source, run ``make``.  To
produce the PDF manual, run ``make pdf``.  To produce and compile a few test
files, run ``make check``.  To compile the manual you’ll need my `custom
documentation class`_.

To install the runtime files in your home TEXMF tree, run ``make install``.  To
install the PDF manual in your home TEXMF tree, run ``make install-pdf``.  The
package includes an AucTeX style file which will be installed in

.. _custom documentation class: https://github.com/phst/phst-doc


Include the package via ``\usepackage{lualatex-math}``.  The package has no
options and no public interface; it applies the appropriate fixes
automatically.  See ``lualatex-math.pdf`` for details.

If you encounter any issues, please report them by means of the `issue

.. _issue tracker: https://github.com/phst/lualatex-math/issues

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (205.3k).

lualatex-math – Fixes for mathematics-related Lua issues

The package patches a few commands of the kernel and the amsmath and mathtools packages to be more compatible with the Lua engine. It is only meaningful for Lua documents containing mathematical formulas, and does not exhibit any new functionality. The fixes are mostly moved from the unicode-math package to this package since they are not directly related to Unicode mathematics typesetting.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/phst/lualatex-math/issues
Version1.12 2022-01-01
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2011–2020 Philipp Stephani, Joseph Wright, and Will Robertson
2021, 2022 Google LLC
MaintainerPhilipp Stephani
TDS archivelualatex-math.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as lualatex-math
MiKTeX as lualatex-math
Experimental 3
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