Directory macros/latex209/contrib/trees/pstrees
This package consists of a preprocessor and some macro-definitions, by which linguistics-style trees can be specified as convenient indented lists, with spacing and line-drawing done automatically. It depends on Emma Pease's tree-dvips package, available from pub/TeXfiles on, and requires the use of dvips (Radial Eye Softrware) for the lines to be drawn automatically. Files included are: trees.sty: Macros for linguistics tree layout. trees.doc.txp/tex/dvi/ps: Documentation for tree-formatting system, including a preprocessor and tree-layout macros. trees: executable (by Suns, at least) for tree-preprocessor. tree.c, etc.; makefile: source files for compilation of preprocessor. test.txp: a (very) little test file. BUGS Sometimes, when `\\ ' appears in the input, `\\\` appears in the output. LICENSE The package maybe be freely used by individuals for reporting research (including academic book publishing), and adapted, as long as the adapted versions contain reference and acknowledgement to the original author, Avery D. Andrews. Essentially commerical use is prohibited without explicit permission. The package is presented for use as is, with no warrantee as to its suitablility for any particular purpose, and no liability accepted for any consequences of use. Avery D Andrews Linguistics, The Faculties ANU PO Box 4 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia, The Faculties
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pstrees – Construct linguistics trees using a preprocessor
The preprocessor (written in C) prepares tree sources; the macros make use of Emma Pease’s tree-dvips package.
Package | pstrees |
Version | 2 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 1999 Wolfgang Sternefeld |
Maintainer | Wolfgang Sternefeld |
Topics | Tree |