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Directory macros/latex/contrib/zebra-goodies



A collection of handy macros for note taking, like todo and comment. This is not intended for general cases. Use it at your own risk.


  • draft: boolean option, whether to show the notes. Enabled by default. Example to disable it:
  •   \usepackage[draft=false]{zebra-goodies}
      % or use the complementary option "final"
  • microtype: boolean option, whether to load package microtype. Enabled by default.

Take Notes

Add comments, todos, notes anything you like during revise in a colorful way. The package also summarizes the revise notes at the end of the document. Predefined commands are as follows:

\todo[<who>]{bla bla}
\fixed[<who>]{bla bla}
\comment[<who>]{bla bla}
\note[<who>]{bla bla}
\placeholder[<who>]{bla bla}

If any of them does not work, it is very likely that it has been defined by other packages. We will not override the definition, so you have to turn to its full version as follows:

\zebratodo[<who>]{bla bla}
\zebrafixed[<who>]{bla bla}
\zebracomment[<who>]{bla bla}
\zebranote[<who>]{bla bla}
\zebraplaceholder[<who>]{bla bla}

Define new Notes

% \zebranewnote{<note name>}{<xcolor color>}


\question[who]{what's this?}

Use Colors

Several colors are provided via xcolor for ploting:

  • zebrablue
  • zebrared
  • zebrayellow
  • zebrapurple
  • zebragreen

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (116.4k).

zebra-goodies – A collection of handy macros for paper writing

This package offers a collection of macros to help in the process of writing a paper. You may add comments, todo notes, etc. during revision, in a colourful way. The package also summarizes the inserted notes at the end of the document.

There are some predefined note commands as well as a way of defining new ones to suit the user’s needs.

You may safely remove this package once the paper is finished.

This package depends on the following other packages: kvoptions, manfnt, marginnote, tikzpagenodes, xcolor, and, optionally, microtype.

Note: “zebra” is the name of the package author’s lab.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/xueruini/zebra-goodies/issues
Version0.8.1 2023-03-15
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2016–2023 Ruini Xue
MaintainerRuini Xue
Contained inTeX Live as zebra-goodies
MiKTeX as zebra-goodies
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