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Directory macros/latex/contrib/xytree

This is the file README for xytree.sty.  For full documentation, read

xytree.sty utilizes the Xy-pic package to draw syntactic trees.  There
are currently some similar LaTeX packages for this purpose, but they
have strength and weakness, so one allows to draw only binary trees
and the other permits to draw only limited sorts of lines.  Some
packages provide quasi perfect solution in this area, but have the
dependency on the other graphic language, which dvi driver can not
directly process.

The aim of xytree.sty is to draw linguistic syntactic trees with ease
and to support hopefully sufficient functionality, that the linguist
may need.

xytree.sty also provides macros for drawing other kinds of trees and
linguistic diagrams.

Licensing of this package is covered by LPPL.

For whatever reason, you can contact me via e-mail:


Koaunghi Un.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (235.2k).

xytree – Tree macros using XY-Pic

The package provides means to draw linguistic syntactic trees with ease and to support hopefully sufficient functionalities, that the linguist may need.

The package (of course) depends on the XY-Pic package.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerKoaunghi Un
Contained inTeX Live as xytree
MiKTeX as xytree
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