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Directory macros/latex/contrib/shtthesis


ShangHaiTech university THESIS (shtthesis)

Action status GitHub release CTAN version Overleaf

shtthesis project, forked from ucasthesis, is an unofficial thesis template for ShanghaiTech University and satisfies all format requirements of graduate/undergraduate thesis. The user just need to set \documentclass{shtthesis} and to setup mandatory information via \shtsetup, then his or her thesis document will be typeset properly:


  title = {论文标题},
  title* = {Title~of~Thesis},
  author = {作者姓名},
  author* = {Name~of~Author},
  % ...

% ...

Get the Template

  • Stable version: Install or download with any of following methods
    • CTAN (highly recommended): shtthesis package on CTAN can be installed via tlmgr for Live and Mac users:
    • tlmgr install shtthesis
    • If your distribution already contains shtthesis, please update it to the latest version:
    • tlmgr update shtthesis
**Note**: `shtthesis` package on CTAN does not include the university logo file. Please download [`shanghaitech-emblem.pdf`](https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/raw/v0.3/shanghaitech-emblem.pdf) from this repository and put it in the root of your project directory.
  • Overleaf: Please compile with XeLaTeX. Since compilation time for Overleaf free-plan is limited to 1 minute, you might encounter with timeout issue if compiling with Lua
    • GitHub Release: Please refer to the release page and download required files based on release information
  • Develop version: Directly clone the GitHub repo
  • git clone https://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis.git

Please, read through the user's guide before continuing.

Get Started

After cloning or downloading this template, please

  1. Install a modern distribution in full scheme:
  2. Open your terminal (CMD for Windows users) and switch to this directory, compile this template by latexmk tool with Lua or XeLaTeX engine (note: pdf is not supported):
  3. latexmk -pdflua
    # if you prefer XeLaTeX engine:
    # latexmk -pdfxe
  4. the output file shtthesis-user-guide.pdf is the compiled user guide document
  5. Open the document source file shtthesis-user-guide.tex and enjoy ing :smirk:


  • The copyright of ShanghaiTech University logo (shanghaitech-emblem.pdf) is owned by ShanghaiTech University
  • The rest of shtthesis project is licensed under GNU Public License v3, see LICENSE for details

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.1M).

ShtThesis – An unofficial thesis template for ShanghaiTech University

This package, forked from ucasthesis, is an unofficial thesis template for ShanghaiTech University and satisfies all format requirements of the school. The user just needs to set \documentclass{shtthesis} and to set up mandatory information via \shtsetup, then his or her thesis document will be typeset properly.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/lirundong/shtthesis/issues
Version0.3.3 2022-03-03
LicensesGNU General Public License, version 3
Copyright2021–2022 Li Rundong
MaintainerRundong Li
Contained inTeX Live as shtthesis
MiKTeX as shtthesis
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