Directory macros/latex/contrib/serial
This is a class designed as a wrapper around scrlettr from the KOMA-Script package. Optionally, the following packages a necessary: graphicx inputenc fontenc textmerg [ctan: tex/macros/latex/contrib/textmerg] delimtxt [ctan: tex/macros/latex/exptl/delimtxt] (This is likely to move in the future)
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (7.9k).
serial – Generate serial letters
The serial package provides a wrapper to the KOMA Script letter class scrlettr for the generation of serial letters. It contains different interfaces to data base generated adress files. Additionally, a configuration file allows easy customization of the letterheads etc. Requires scrlettr.cls from KOMA-Script and the following are recommended: inputenc, textmerg, delimtxt.
Package | serial |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Bjørn Pedersen |
Topics | Letter |