Directory macros/latex/contrib/rubik
-------------------------------------------------------- The RUBIK bundle (version 5) February 24, 2018 rubikcube package : macros for typesetting 3x3x3 cubes rubiktwocube package : macros for typesetting 2x2x2 cubes rubikrotation package: macros Perl program for rotations rubikpatterns package: macros for typesetting -------------------------------------------------------- The RUBIK bundle provides four complementary packages for documenting the Rubik cube (3x3x3) and Twocube (2x2x2) notation and configurations, and for processing rotation sequences for both cubes. A Perl program which processes rotation sequences on the fly is also included. The four packages are: (a) the rubikcube (3x3x3) package, (b) the rubiktwocube (2x2x2) package (NEW), (c) the rubikrotation package, (d) the rubikpatterns package. (1) rubikcube package (3x3x3 cubes) The rubikcube package provides a collection of LaTeX commands and macros for typesetting Rubik cube configurations and rotation instructions using the PGF/TikZ graphic languages. (2) rubiktwocube package (2x2x2 cubes) NEW The rubiktwocube package provides a collection of LaTeX commands and macros for typesetting TwoCube configurations and rotation instructions using the PGF/TikZ graphic languages. (3) rubikrotation package The rubikrotation package, is a dynamic extension to the rubikcube and rubiktwocube packages. It consists of the Perl script and style option rubikrotation.sty. The rubikrotation package implements rotation sequences and random scrambling of the Rubik cube on-the-fly, using the RubikRotation command. It returns the new Rubik state in a form which can then be typeset using commands from the Rubik bundle. Since the RubikRotation command works by CALLing the Perl script, it follows that the rubikrotation package requires (a) Perl to be installed, and (b) (Pdf/Lua)LaTeX to be run using the --shell-escape command-line switch (available from the shellesc package). (4) rubikpatterns package The RubikPatterns package is a small database of well-known patterns and sequences in the form of named macros which can be processed easily using the RubikRotation command. (5) New features rubikcube: --- Improved documentation. --- Minor improvements to log-file documentation. --- New commands for drawing cube sidebars adjacent to cube edges. --- Two new commands for setting up WY (White opposite Yellow) and WB (White opposite Blue) `starter grey cubes'. --- Bugfix for the \ShowSequence command (fixes a problem of fonts not being contained appropriately). --- Added some missing lower case rotation notation. --- A new \NoSidebar command for disabling sidebars of a specified colour (mainly for use with OLL displays). rubiktwocube: --- this is new package dealing with 2x2x2 cubes, having similar functionality to the rubikcube package. rubikrotation: --- minor code improvements in Perl programme, and improved syntax checking. --- some minor bugfixes in Perl programme (eg: a zero or missing integer with random keyword now generates an error message). --- added new keyword `cubesize' to hold cube size ie either `three' or `two' to inform Perl programme as to which sort of cube is being processed. rubikpatterns: --- (no change from v4). ------------------------------------------------------- RWD Nickalls email: A Syropoulos email: ------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2018 RWD Nickalls & A Syropoulos Licence This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. ------------------------------------------------------- The RUBIK bundle consists of the following files Package files: - rubikcube.ins, - rubikcube.dtx, - rubikcube.sty, - rubiktwocube.ins, - rubiktwocube.dtx, - rubiktwocube.sty, - rubikrotation.ins, - rubikrotation.dtx, - rubikrotation.sty, - (Perl script) - rubikpatterns.ins - rubikpatterns.dtx - rubikpatterns.sty Documentation and README: - rubikcube.pdf - rubiktwocube.pdf - rubikrotation.pdf, - rubikrotationPL.pdf (Perl script documentation) - rubikrotationPL.tex - rubikrotation.1 (MAN file for Perl script) - rubikpatterns.pdf - rubikpatternsLIST.pdf - rubikpatternsLIST.tex - README.txt (this file) Examples: - rubikexamples.pdf, - rubikexamples.tex Image files: - pdf files for rubikcube documentation (6 pictures) - pdf files for rubiktwocube documentation (1 picture) - pdf files for rubikrotation documentation (4 pictures) - pdf files for rubikpatterns documentation (1 picture) Bash and bat files (for processing rubikexamples.tex and rubikpatternsLIST.tex) ------------------------------------------------------- If you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, or bugs to report, please contact us. -------------------------------------------------------
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (3.4M).
rubik – Document Rubik cube configurations and rotation sequences
The bundle provides four packages:
- rubikcube provides commands for typesetting Rubik cubes and their transformations,
- rubiktwocube provides commands for typesetting Rubik twocubes and their transformations,
- rubikrotation which can process a sequence of Rubik rotation moves, with the help of a Perl package executed via \write18 (shell escape) commands, and
- rubikpatterns, a collection of well known patterns and their associated rotation sequences.
Package | rubik |
Version | 5.0 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 2014–2018 RWD Nickalls and A Syropoulos |
Maintainer | Dick Nickalls Apostolos Syropoulos |
Contained in | TeX Live as rubik MiKTeX as rubik |
Topics | Puzzle |