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Directory macros/latex/contrib/reptheorem



When writing a large manuscript, it is sometimes beneficial to repeat a theorem (or lemma or…) at an earlier or later point for didactical purposes. However, thmtools's built-in restatable only allows replicating theorems after they have been stated, and only in the same document. reptheorem solves the issue by making use of the .aux file, and also introduces its own file extension, .thm, to replicate theorems in other files.


Run the following in the command line:

  1. If reptheorem.ins is present:
latex reptheorem.ins
  1. If reptheorem.ins is absent:
latex reptheorem.dtx

Move reptheorem.sty to a folder that can find.


Run the following in the command line:

pdflatex reptheorem.dtx
makeindex -s gind.ist -o reptheorem.ind reptheorem.idx
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o reptheorem.gls reptheorem.glo
pdflatex reptheorem.dtx

This automatically unpacks the package, as well.

© 2024- Jesse Straat

License: LPPL1.3c

GitHub Repository

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (250.9k).

reptheorem – Repetition of theorem environments

When writing a large manuscript, it is sometimes beneficial to repeat a theorem (or lemma or...) at an earlier or later point for didactical purposes. However, thmtools’s built-in restatable only allows replicating theorems after they have been stated, and only in the same document.

This package solves the issue by making use of the .aux file, and also introduces its own file extension, .thm, to replicate theorems in other files.

Version1.3 2024-10-07
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2024 Jesse Straat
MaintainerJesse Straat
Contained inTeX Live as reptheorem
MiKTeX as reptheorem
TopicsMaths theorem
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