Directory macros/latex/contrib/psfrag
This is the 00readme.txt file to accompany PSfrag, a system for LaTeX to integrate LaTeX equations with Encapsulated PostScript figures. These files compose the April 11, 1998 release of PSfrag 3.04. This is a maintenance release, and fixes some bugs and shortcomings in version 3.03. If you decide to install this release, you should not need to re-compile any of your files, unless you happened to encounter one of the bugs in an earlier version. +-------------------------------+ |QUICK INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS| +-------------------------------+ 1. Run LaTeX on psfrag.ins, generating the package file psfrag.sty and the PostScript header file 2. Place psfrag.sty anywhere in your TeX search path; for kpathsea-based systems such as teTeX, this is determined by the TEXINPUTS variable. 3. Place where your DVI-to-PostScript driver (e.g., dvips) can find it. For kpathsea-based systems such as teTeX, this is determined by the DVIPSHEADERS variable. For dvips in particular, this includes the directory containing and More complete instructions are found in pfgguide.{tex,ps}. The files example.eps and testfig.eps are needed to typeset the documentation, so do not delete them if you want to re-generate In fact, a good test to see if your TeX/LaTeX/PSfrag installation is working properly is to rename, generate a new from the .tex file, and compare the two files. +------------------------------------+ |IMPORTANT NOTES FOR PSFRAG 2.X USERS| +------------------------------------+ Note that PSfrag 3.x is quite a bit different from previous versions. The interface has been preserved, but the most notable difference is the absence of the preprocessing script ps2frag. That's right: _you will no longer need to run the ps2frag script_. This is a relief, of course, to users who could never get Perl working on their OS. However, PLEASE HEED the following differences between PSfrag 2.x and PSfrag 3.x! You will be soundly flogged with wet noodles if you ask about these and you haven't read this warning or the ones in pfgguide: 1) PSfrag replacements no longer show up in their proper positions when viewing the file with Xdvi. Instead, they show up in a vertical list along the left side of the figure. So, you can check if they are typeset properly in Xdvi, but you can't make sure they are properly placed. To do that, you should use a PostScript previewer like GhostView and GhostScript. This is an unforunate but necessary consequence of the elimination of the preprocessing step. 2) If you use the \tex command, note that it has been _deprecated_. Now, you have to explicitly turn it on, either for the entire LaTeX document or for each file individually. pfgguide.{tex,ps} describe how to do this in detail. The reasons for this once again turn to the elimination of the preprocessing step. I think that the elimination of the ps2frag script far outweighs either of these two (possible) disadvantages. +---------------+ | RELEASE NOTES | +---------------+ This is a bug-fix release, which fixes the following bugs encountered in PSfrag 3.03: 1. Attempting to use EPS figures as PSfrag replacements would cause an infinite loop. This should work properly now. 2. Since the last release, the DVI-to-PS driver DVIPSone changed in a way that made PSfrag replacements appear upside down. 3. Small improvements to the file have been made, which will hopefully allow you to make EPS files out of PSfrag-ged figures. I can't make any guarantees about this yet. 4. The manual has been improved slightly; the known issues for XFig and Seminar are now discussed. In addition, a more complete discussion about ``valid'' tags is included. Bug reports and suggestions should go to, the PSfrag maintainer's email-list. However, before submitting a bug report, please make sure that it is not already covered in the "Known issues" section of pfgguide.tex! Michael C. Grant
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (122.7k).
psfrag – Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
Allows LaTeX constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript figures, using your own favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure and placing simple text ‘tags’ where each replacement is to be placed, with PSfrag automatically removing these tags from the figure and replacing them with a user specified LaTeX construction, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.
Package | psfrag |
Version | 3.04 |
Licenses | Free license not otherwise listed |
Maintainer | Craig Barratt David Carlisle (inactive) Michael Grant (inactive) |
Contained in | TeX Live as psfrag MiKTeX as psfrag |
Topics | Graphics text |
See also | psfragx |