CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/physunits



A package that includes macros for SI, cgs, and some imperial units.


Copyright (C) 2020 by Brian W. Mulligan <bwmulligan@astronaos.com>

This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in:


and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of version 2006/05/20 or later.



Build Dependencies

  • some distribution.
  • hyperref package for


    makefile                GNU makefile to simplify building and installation on linux
    README.md               This file.
    CHANGELOG.md            List of changes
    physunits.ins           The installer file
    physunits.dtx           The package code and documentation
    physunits.pdf           The package user manual

Building the Package

Linux / Mac using make and xelatex

  1. make


  1. Run latex on physunits.ins to create the .sty file. e.g. latex physunits.ins.
  2. The following steps apply only if you want the documentation (recommended).

1. Run latex on physunits.dtx to create the .pdf file. e.g. xelatex physunits.pdf.

  1. Run makeindex to create the index, e.g. makeindex -s gind.ist -o physunits.ind physunits.idx.
1. Run makeindex to create the change log, e.g. makeindex -s gglo.ist -o physunits.gls physunits.glo.
  1. Run latex on physunits.dtx to create the .pdf file with index and change log. e.g. xelatex physunits.pdf.
1. Run latex on physunits.dtx to get the labels sorted out. e.g. xelatex physunits.pdf.

Instructions that might help can be for windows can be found at this post on StackExchange.


First build the project as described above.

For a single project

  1. Copy the physunits.sty into your project where your .tex files are located.

for all users and projects

Linux / Mac using make and xelatex

  1. make localinstall


Instructions that might help can be for windows can be found at this post on StackExchange.

  1. Figure out where your local packages are installed.
  2. Create a directory named physunits in that location.
  3. Copy the .sty file into the directory you just created.
  4. Figure out where your local package documentation is installed.
  5. Create a directory named physunits in that location.
  6. Copy the .pdf file into the directory you just created.
  7. Run texhash or the equivalent to let know the package is there.


Linux / Mac using make

  1. make localuninstall

### Otherwise

  1. Figure out where your local packages are installed.
  2. Delete the directory named physunits in that location.
  3. Figure out where your local package documentation is installed.
  4. Delete the directory named physunits in that location.
  5. Run texhash or the equivalent to let know the package is gone.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (109.2k).

physunits – Macros for commonly used physical units

This package provides a collection of macros to simplify using physical units (e.g. m for meters, J for joules, etc.), especially in math mode. All major SI units are included, as well as some cgs units used in astronomy.

Version1.2.0 2021-03-26
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2020 Brian W. Mulligan
MaintainerBrian W. Mulligan
Contained inTeX Live as physunits
MiKTeX as physunits
Scientific docs
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