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Directory macros/latex/contrib/parnotes



The parnotes package adds a new note type, \parnote. Parnotes are set as normal, running paragraphs and may be placed two ways: (1) automatically, at the end of the paragraph, or (2) manually, using the \parnotes command.

To place parnotes automatically after every paragraph, use the autopn environment:



If environments are used within autopn, another autopn environment must be nested within them. To place notes elsewhere, use the \parnotes command.

For more details, read the project documentation in parnotes.pdf.


The development repository and the bug tracker were originally hosted on GitHub but no longer maintained there.


Copyright © 2012, 2016 Chelsea Hughes

This work is distributed under the Project Public License, version 1.3 or later, available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

I currently maintain this project (comprising parnotes.sty, parnotes.tex, README.md, and the derived file parnotes.pdf) and will receive error reports at the project GitHub page (see Contributing above).

This package was started due to a question at the Stack Exchange: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/34746/

Thanks to Stack Exchange users Ahmed Musa, Bruno Le Floch, and David Carlisle.

Current Status

The package appears to to be unmainted, i.e. the above address exists but is not monitored and the original author is no longer reachable.

There have been small changes and corrections by Frank Mittelbach, see changes.txt for details.

The documentation has been changed to use freely available fonts so that it can be typeset by everybody (the previsous release used commercial fonts).

The current version is hosted at https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex-parnotes and while you can add issues there I'm not promising that I look at them in a timely manner, i.e., the package is still in search of a new maintainer and I'm just jumped in temporarily.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (65.8k).

parnotes – Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)

The package provides the \parnote command. The notes are set as (normal) running paragraphs; placement is at the end of each paragraph, or manually, using the \parnotes command.

Version3c 2024-06-12
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2012, 2016 Chelsea Hughes
2019, 2024 Frank Mittelbach
MaintainerChelsea Hughes (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as parnotes
MiKTeX as parnotes
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