Directory macros/latex/contrib/lcyw
Classic Cyrillic CM Virtual Fonts for LaTeX This small set of files provides Russian/Bulgarian languages support for LaTeX users at the base of the Type 1 copies (Cyrillic part by B.Malyshev) of classic CM fonts (OT1 part by D.E.Knuth, Cyrillic part by A.Samarin & N.Glonti) which present in any TeX distribution. These virtual fonts are using LCYW encoding. LCYW is almost subset of T2A (see `lcyw.dtx' for details). This encoding can be used via `fontenc' package. This provides support only for OT1, guillemets, numero sign, and Russian alphabets symbols. However LCYW option to `fontenc' is not enough to provide copy & search features of the pdf viewers because standard `cmap' package lacks support for the virtual fonts. The LCYW encoding companion package `cmap-cyr-vf' should be used together with `cmap' to provide such support. This encoding (unlike old LCY encoding) is compatible with all LaTeX features. It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. The directories contain doc/latex/lcyw: example-lcyw.tex lcyw.pdf README README.koi8-r tex/latex/lcyw: lcyw.dtx lcyw.ins lcywfd.fdd
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lcyw – Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
The package makes the classic CM Cyrillic fonts accessible for use with LaTeX.
Package | lcyw |
Version | 1.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Maintainer | Vladimir Lidovski |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as lcyw MiKTeX as lcyw |
Topics | Font support |