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Directory macros/latex/contrib/ktv-texdata

Sections in this file
        1. Generate package and example
        2. Get an example / a test
        3. Report bugs and suggestions

    name   : ktv-texdata
    require: LaTeX2e
    author : Ky` Anh (kyanh@inic.biz, kyanh@linuxmail.org)
    version: v05.34 (2003/10/06)


    This package provides a simple way to use the TeX input files
    whose contents are all the numbered environments.

    This package is useful for the teachers of mathematics
    who often work with large libraries of exercises of mathematics.


    Assume that you have an input file (named `foo.tex')
    that specifies 16 exercies

        % --- first line of `foo.tex'
              This is the first exercice.
              This is the second exercice.
              This is the 16th exercice
              (with a star mark *).
        % --- last line of `foo.tex'

    On Tuesday, for e.g., you want to create a student test
    that contains the first  8 exercises of the `foo.tex'.
    However, on Wednesday, you want to create another test
    that contains the last 8 exercises of the `foo.tex'.

    Of course, the simplest way to do that is `copying' and `pasting'.
    Of course, this way becomes too complex in case,
    for e.g., you need only the exercies that are numbered oddly
    (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15).

    You may think of a solution like this

        \get{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}        % on Tuesday
        \get{9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16} % on Wednesday
        \get{1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15}     % on Friday

    This pakage helps you...


    1. Generate package and example

            latex ktv-texdata.ins

    2. Get an example / a test

            latex ktv-test.tex

    3. Report bugs and suggestions

            mailto: kyanh@inic.biz
            mailto: kyanh@linuxmail.org


        0.  README                  this file
        0.  README.txt              this file
        1.  ktv-texdata .sty        the package
        2.  ktv-texdata .dvi        package (documentation) (DVI)
        3.  ktv-texdata .pdf        package (documentation) (PDF)
        4.  ktv-test    .dvi        test file (DVI)
        5.  ktv-test    .tex        test file (source)
        6.  ktv-data    .tex        test file (data file)
        7.  ktv-texdata .dtx        package (source file)
        8.  ktv-texdata .ktvnum     documentataion's build-number
        9.  ktv-texdata .ins        installation file
       10.  ktv-buildnum.sty        (optional tools)

End of file

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (212.5k).

ktv-texdata – Extract subsets of documents

The package defines an exercice environment which numbers every exercise, and a command \get to extract a collection whose argument is a comma-separated set of exercise index numbers.

While the package was designed for teachers constructing tables of exercises, it plainly has more general application.

LicensesGNU General Public License
MaintainerKy-Anh Huynh
Contained inTeX Live as ktv-texdata
MiKTeX as ktv-texdata
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