CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/javascripthttp



Version v1.1


This small package adds commands for to create buttons with which to fetch content from the internet. The content can be transformed and displayed in textfields. For these interactive elements to work, a PDF using the commands provided by this package must be opened in Acrobat Pro.

This packages requires the acrotex macro.


To install acrotex, you need to add the tlcontrib repository to your installation:

tlmgr repository add https://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlcontrib tlcontrib

tlmgr pinning add tlcontrib "*"

# Then install the package
tlmgr install acrotex


Here is a quick overview of the commands and their parameters. For further details and examples please read the package documentation.

  • SimpleGET, send a GET request:
  •   \SimpleGET{unique identifier}{label}{URL}{keypath}[target]
  • SimplePOST, send a POST request:
  •   \SimplePOST{id}{label}{URL}{keypath}{factory}{errors}[target]
  • SimpleTextField, adds a writeable textfield to your document:
  •   \SimpleTextfield{unique identifier}
  • SimpleTextFieldReadoly, adds a readonly textfield that can be updated through javascript:
  •   \SimpleTextfieldReadonly{unique identifier}
  • Errorfield, adds a field to your document that displays any errors that occur:
  •   \Errorfield


  • Cedric V. Zwahlen (cedric-vince@gmx.ch)


LATEX Project Public License, version 1.3c or later.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (175.2k).

JavascriptHTTP – Add buttons to a PDF to easily get and post web content

This small package adds commands for to create buttons with which to fetch content from the internet. The content can optionally be transformed with Javascript and displayed in textfields. For these interactive elements to work, a PDF using the commands provided by this package must be opened in Acrobat Pro.

Version1.1 2023-06-20
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2023 Cedric V. Zwahlen
MaintainerCedric V. Zwahlen
Contained inMiKTeX as javascripthttp
PDF features
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