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Directory macros/latex/contrib/hang

The "hang" LaTeX package (version 2.1)

The "hang" package provides environments for hanging paragraphs and list items.
In addition, it defines environments for labeled paragraphs and list items.

The package is released 'as is' with no warranty under the LaTeX Project Public
License, version 1.3 [1].

Andreas Nolda (andreas@nolda.org)
[1] Cf. COPYING.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (56.0k).

hang – Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items

This package provides environments for hanging paragraphs and list items. In addition, it defines environments for labeled paragraphs and list items.

Version2.1 2017-02-18
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
MaintainerAndreas Nolda
Contained inTeX Live as hang
MiKTeX as hang
See alsohanging
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