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Directory macros/latex/contrib/exesheet


The exesheet class and package - Typesetting exercise or exam sheets


The exesheet package is designed for typesetting exercise or exam sheets. The primary advantage of exesheet is its ability to display a detailed scoring guide and correction instructions as needed. This feature is especially beneficial for grading papers with multiple graders.

The exesheet package offers the following features:

  • macros for organizing exercises and subparts,
  • specific settings for enumeration lists,
  • environments for questions and answers, which can be displayed or hidden,
  • macros for detailed comments and grading instructions in the margins which can be displayed or hidden.

Additionally, the exesheet class loads the schooldocs package which manages the page layout, the main title, headers and footers.


  • run on exesheet.ins to obtain the files exesheet.cls and exesheet.sty,
  • if you then run + dvips + ps2pdf on exesheet.dtx you'll generate the exesheet.pdf file, which is also included in the archive,
  • place the files exesheet.cls, exesheet.sty and exesheet.pdf in your Directory Structure.


Antoine Missier

Email: antoine.missier@ac-toulouse.fr


Released under the Project Public License v1.3 or later. See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (293.2k).

exesheet – Typesetting exercise or exam sheets

The exesheet package is designed for typesetting exercise or exam sheets. The primary advantage of exesheet is its ability to display a detailed scoring guide and correction instructions as needed. This feature is especially beneficial for grading papers with multiple graders.

The exesheet package provides:

  • macros for organizing exercises and subparts,
  • specific settings for enumeration lists,
  • environments for questions and answers, which can be displayed or hidden,
  • macros for detailed comments and grading instructions in the margins which can be displayed or hidden.

Additionally, the exesheet class loads the schooldocs package which manages the page layout, the main title, headers and footers.

Version2.7 2024-02-13
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2020–2024 Antoine Missier
MaintainerAntoine Missier
Contained inTeX Live as exesheet
MiKTeX as exesheet
See alsoschooldocs
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