Directory macros/latex/contrib/duerer-latex
This is a small package that provides some (poor) LaTeX support for the duerer fonts. The duerer fonts are part of many tex installations, and is found on the TeX Live distribution. *Installation* Unpack the archive, and move the files into their proper directories The files duerer.sty ot1cdin.fd ot1cdr.fd ot1cdss.fd ot1cdtt.fd should be placed in TEXMF/tex/latex/duerer duerer.pdf should be placed in TEXMF/doc/latex/duerer duerer.tex is the source of duerer.pdf and no installation of it is required. It can be deleted at will...
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (149.2k).
duerer-LaTeX – LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
LaTeX support for Hoenig’s Computer Duerer fonts, using their standard fontname names.
Package | duerer-LaTeX |
Version | 1.1 |
Licenses | GNU General Public License |
Maintainer | Palle Jørgensen |
Contained in | TeX Live as duerer-latex MiKTeX as duerer-latex |
Topics | Font support |