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Directory macros/latex/contrib/ditaa

= The LaTeX ditaa package

With this, you will not need to bring your diagrams outside your  ```.tex``` file and not to worry about wiring such files for diagrams, and tools (Microsoft Visio, PowerPoint, Libre Office tools, as such) from which they are created.

\begin{ditaa}{ditaa caption example}{ditaaexample}
    +-----+     +----+     +---+
    +--+--+     +----+     +---+
    |THIS |
    +-----------+     +--+
    |another one+---->|Hi|
    +-----------+     +--+


The source above will be converted into a following diagram and incorporated in your final PDF.

.Figure Rendered Ascii Art
[caption="Figure 1: ",link=resources/rendered.png]
image::resources/rendered.png[Rendered Ascii Art,480,300]

== Prerequisites
https://github.com/asciidoctor[Asciidoctor @ *GitHub*]

* You need to have http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/[ditaa] installed. (Need to be able to run ```ditaa``` from your command line). Fortunately, recent package managers such as ```apt``` allow you to install it with a single command line ```sudo apt install ditaa```. ```brew``` let me do similar ```sudo brew isntall ditaa``` on my mac. For windows, sorry, please let me know how to do that...
* You need to give an option ```--shell-escape``` to your LaTeX compiler (such as ```pdflatex```, ```latex```, etc) command whichever you use.

== How to use

* Place the ```ditaa.sty``` file at the same directory as your ```.tex``` file.
* Create ```ditaa``` directory under the directory you have for the other non-ditaa images. This package will create ```.ditaa``` and ```.png``` files.
* Do ```usepackage[imagepath=IMAGEPATH]{ditaa}``` beffore ```\begin{document}```. The IMAGEPATH is the directory you have images.
* Compile your  ```.tex``` files as usual, but giving  ```--shell-escape``` option to your ```(pdf)latex``` command.

== Tips
Online sites such as [ascii-flow](http://stable.ascii-flow.appspot.com/#Draw) will be your friends!

== Future Works
* Make it possible to define caption and filename independently.
* ~~Improve the way to define resource directory.~~
* ~~Make it possible to specify image size.~~ (Now you can specify image width. See the example)
* I want to use this in OverLeaf. Publish in CTAN? Help me. I'm a LaTeX newbie.

== References
* https://github.com/deselaers/latex-beamerposter[latex-beamerposter]: I learned a lot from this; such as how to package my .sty, how to organize directories under my repo for LaTeX style package, etc.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (111.6k).

ditaa – Use ditaa diagrams within documents

With this package ditaa (DIagrams Through Ascii Art) diagrams can be embedded directly into files.

Home pagehttps://github.com/dakusui/latex-ditaa
Bug trackerhttps://github.com/dakusui/latex-ditaa/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2018 Hiroshi Ukai
MaintainerHiroshi Ukai
Contained inTeX Live as ditaa
MiKTeX as ditaa
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