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Directory macros/latex/contrib/coverpage

%    The CoverPage Package
%    ========================
%    What it does:
%       The package \texttt{CoverPage} was created to supplement
%       scientific papers with a cover page containing bibliographical
%       information, a copyright notice, and/or some logos of the author's
%       institution. The cover page is created (almost) automatically; this 
%       is done by parsing \BibTeX{} information corresponding to the
%       main document and reading a configuration file in which the author
%       can set information like the affiliation he or she is associated with.
%    Required packages:
%       This package needs four other packages (\texttt{keyval}, \texttt{url},
%       \texttt{textcomp}, and \texttt{verbatim}), but all of them are standard 
%       packages and should be part of every \LaTeX{} installation.
%    Installation:
%       The package \texttt{CoverPage} is distributed as dtx archive.
%       If you do not know how to install such archives, see documentation 
%       "CoverPage.pdf" (for a short description) or look at some FAQ list,
%       e.g. http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=instpackages.
%    File list:
%       The term "CoverPage package" refers to the following files:
%       CoverPage.dtx            --  code/documenation archive
%       CoverPage.ins            --  installer
%       CoverPage.pdf            --  documentation
%       SimpleSample.tex         --  sample document, source code
%       SimpleSample.pdf         --  sample document, result
%       SimpleSample.BibTex.txt  --  required BibTeX data
%       ECCV06Sample.pdf         --  more realistic example (only pdf)
%       README                   --  this file
%    License:
%       LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
%    Author and copyright:
%       (c) 2006 by Matthias M�hlich (matthias.muehlich@lfb.rwth-aachen.de)
%       Feedback and/or bug reports are appreciated.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (293.6k).

coverpage – Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers

The package CoverPage was created to supplement scientific papers with a cover page containing bibliographical information, a copyright notice, and/or some logos of the author's institution. The cover page is created (almost) automatically; this is done by parsing information corresponding to the main document and reading a configuration file in which the author can set information like the affiliation he or she is associated with.

The cover page consists of header, body and footer; all three are macros which can be redefined using \renewcommand, thus allowing easy customization of the package. Additionally, it should be stressed that the cover page layout is totally independent of the main document and its page layout.

This package requires four other packages (keyval, url, textcomp, and verbatim), but all of them are standard packages and should be part of every installation.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/koppor/CoverPage/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2006 Matthias Mühlich
MaintainerOliver Kopp
Matthias Mühlich (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as coverpage
MiKTeX as coverpage
See alsoauthorarchive
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