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Directory macros/latex/contrib/combinedgraphics


(This is a copy of the LaTeX code of the documentation's abstract.)

This package provides a macro (|\includecombinedgraphics|) for the
inclusion of combined EPS/\LaTeX{} and PDF/\LaTeX{} graphics (an export
format of Gnuplot, Xfig, and maybe other programs).  Instead of including
the graphics with a simple |\input|, the |\includecombinedgraphics| macro
has some benefits:

  \item changing the font and color of the text of the \LaTeX{} parts
  \item rescaling the graphics without affecting the font of the \LaTeX{}
  \item automatic inclusion of the vector graphics parts, as far as \LaTeX{}
    parts do not do it (e.\,g., for files exported from Gnuplot before
    version 4.2 or Xfig)
  \item changing the inclusion order of \LaTeX{} and vector graphics
    parts (e.\,g., Gnuplot 4.4 exports files in a way that the vector
    graphics part overlays the \LaTeX{} part, which means that text may be
    hidden under shaded areas)
  \item rescaling and rotating of complete graphics (similar to
    |\includegraphics| from \textsf{graphicx} package)
  \item scaling the vector graphics part (without affecting the font) to
    a defined width or height of the graphics, which might, e.g., be of
    importance for graphics that are intended for publication in a journal
    requesting a certain size of graphics

A test PDF file with extensively commented examples is shipped with this
package and a BASH script (\texttt{texpic2epspdf.sh}) to convert combined
EPS/\LaTeX{} and PDF/\LaTeX{} graphics to EPS or PDF files with text part

See `combinedgraphics.pdf' for detailed information on usage.


If you do not want to use any pre-build `combinedgraphics.sty' and
`combinedgraphics.pdf' files, you will have to choose one of the following
two ways for building them. Otherwise you can skip this section.

1) Building with make

Running `make' will create the LaTeX package, the documentation and the test
  $ make

2) Building manually

a) Generation of package (.sty file):

Run `combinedgraphics.ins' through LaTeX:
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics.ins

b) Generation of documentation:

Run `combinedgraphics.dtx' through LaTeX:
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics.dtx

Then create the index and change history:
  $ makeindex -s gind.ist -o combinedgraphics.ind combinedgraphics.idx
  $ makeindex -s gglo.ist -o combinedgraphics.gls combinedgraphics.glo

Finally, run `combinedgraphics.dtx' three time through LaTeX:
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics.dtx
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics.dtx
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics.dtx

Optionally you can compile the test file:
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics_test.tex
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics_text.tex
  $ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode combinedgraphics_text.tex


1) Installing with make

To install the package into a TDS (= TeX directory structure; typically its base
directory is named `texmf' or something similar), run the following command:
  $ make DESTDIR=<your TDS> install

Note: `$(DESTDIR)' defaults to `$(HOME)/.texmf'.

2) Installing manually

In principle, you will only habe to copy the file `ionumbers.sty' into a
directory, where LaTeX can find it.  If you copy it into a TDS (TeX directory
structure), you will most probably have to run the following command afterwards:
  $ mktexlsr <your TDS>


Copyright 2009,2011 Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu>

ion@addto@macro: identical to l@addto@macro from koma-script
                 bundle v2.9t
Copyright 1994-2004 Markus Kohm and Frank Neukam

Thanks to Markus Kohm for permitting to use his code in this package.
Please do not bother Markus with questions or bugs concering this package!

This file is part of combinedgraphics.

combinedgraphics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
published by the Free Software Foundation, not any later version.

combinedgraphics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with combinedgraphics.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (439.6k).

combinedgraphics – Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/ combinations

This package provides a macro (\includecombinedgraphics) for the inclusion of combined EPS/ and PDF/ graphics (an export format of Gnuplot, Xfig, and maybe other programs). Instead of including the graphics with a simple \input, the \includecombinedgraphics macro has some comforts:

  • changing the font and color of the text of the part; rescaling the graphics without affecting the font of the part;
  • automatic inclusion of the vector graphics part, as far as part does not do it (e.g., for files exported from Gnuplot before version 4.2); and
  • rescaling and rotating of complete graphics (similar to \includegraphics from the graphicx package).

LicensesGNU General Public License
Copyright2009 Christian Schneider
MaintainerChristian Schneider
Contained inTeX Live as combinedgraphics
MiKTeX as combinedgraphics
TopicsGraphics supp
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