Directory macros/latex/contrib/colophon
+AMDG This document is copyright 2018 by Donald P. Goodman, and is released publicly under the LaTeX Project Public License. The distribution and modification of this work is constrained by the conditions of that license. See for the text of the license. This document is released under version 1.3c of that license, and this work may be distributed or modified under the terms of that license or, at your option, any later version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is Donald P. Goodman ( This work consists of the files colophon.ins and colophon.dtx, along with derived files colophon.sty and colophon.pdf. The colophon package provides commands for producing a *colophon*, or that bit at the end of many books describing the production process, along with the font, size, leading, and measure. Every aspect of its production is easily configured. This package should run properly on any properly running LaTeX system.
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (375.4k).
colophon – Provides commands for producing a colophon
Colophons are a once-common design device by which a book (or document) designer gave some information to his readers about the design and makeup of the text. It typically includes the publisher (if not included elsewhere in the document), font size, leading size, measure, and of course font face identification. Sometimes it includes information about the tools used, as well. This package provides some highly configurable macros, with sensible defaults, for producing colophons without having to muck around with a lot of manual code.
Package | colophon |
Version | 1.1 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 2018 Donald P. Goodman |
Maintainer | Donald P. Goodman |
Contained in | TeX Live as colophon MiKTeX as colophon |
Topics | Typeset tool |