Directory macros/latex/contrib/cases
cases.sty version 3.2 2020/03/29 Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2020 by Donald Arseneau,, Vancouver, Canada. These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified provided that this notice is left intact. Sub-equation numbering is based on subeqn.sty by Stephen Gildea; parts are based on LaTeX's eqnarray by Leslie Lamport and the LaTeX3 team; and some on amsmath.sty by the American Mathematical Society. This package provides a LaTeX environment "numcases" to produce multi-case equations with a separate equation number for each case. There is also a "subnumcases" environment which numbers each case with the overall equation number plus a letter [8a, 8b, etc.].
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cases – Numbered cases environment
This package provides a LaTeX environment “numcases” to produce multi-case equations with a separate equation number for each case. There is also a “subnumcases” environment which numbers each case with the overall equation number plus a letter [8a, 8b, etc.].
Package | cases |
Version | 3.2 2020-03-29 |
Licenses | Free license not otherwise listed |
Copyright | 1993, 1994, 1995, 2000, 2002, 2020 Donald Arseneau |
Maintainer | Donald Arseneau |
Contained in | TeX Live as cases MiKTeX as cases |
Topics | Maths system equations |