Directory macros/latex/contrib/caption
========================================================================== The `caption' package bundle Release 2023-09-08 Copyright (C) 1994-2023 Axel Sommerfeldt ( License: LPPL = LaTeX Project Public Licence Maintenance Status: maintained (by Axel Sommerfeldt) Home page: If you need help for installation please visit: If you need help using these packages please visit: (German) (German) If you think you may have found a bug in these packages, or want to report a suggestion for improvement, please either visit or send an e-mail to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `caption' package v3.6 offers customization of captions of floating environments such `figure' and `table' and cooperates with the packages float, floatflt, fltpage, hyperref, hypcap, listings, longtable, picinpar, picins, rotating, sidecap, subfigure, supertabular, threeparttable, wrapfig, and xtab. Furthermore the `floatrow', the `subcaption', and the `subfig' package supports the `caption' package and uses its \captionsetup interface. User Manual: caption.pdf (English, currently in review) Outdated user manuals in Russian and German could be downloaded from -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `bicaption' package v1.6 supports typesetting of bilingual captions. User Manual: bicaption.pdf (English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `ltcaption' package v1.4 fixes caption problems with other-than-center aligned longtables. (solving LaTeX PR `tools/3387') A bonus feature is the addition of the environment longtable* which does not increment the table counter. This package will be loaded automatically by the `caption' package, but can be used without the caption package, too. User Manual: ltcaption.pdf (English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The `subcaption' package v1.6 supports typesetting of sub-captions (by using the the sub-caption feature of the `caption' package). User Manual: subcaption.pdf (English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The `newfloat' package was removed from this package bundle and was uploaded to CTAN as stand-alone package. Note: The `totalcount' package was removed from this package bundle and was uploaded to CTAN as stand-alone package. ========================================================================== (The pictures cat.eps & elephant.eps were taken with permission from the LaTeX Companion examples.)
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.4M).
caption – Customising captions in floating environments
The caption package provides many ways to customise the captions in floating environments like figure and table, and cooperates with many other packages. Facilities include rotating captions, sideways captions, continued captions (for tables or figures that come in several parts). A list of compatibility notes, for other packages, is provided in the documentation.
The package also provides the “caption outside float” facility, in the same way that simpler packages like capt-of do.
The package supersedes caption2.
Package | caption |
Bug tracker | |
Repository | |
Version | 2023-09-08 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 1994–2023 Axel Sommerfeldt |
Maintainer | Axel Sommerfeldt |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as caption MiKTeX as caption |
Topics | Caption Float |
See also | bicaption subcaption |