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Directory macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-juradiss

Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Tobias Schwan <tobias.schwan(aat)gmx.de>
              2020-     Herbert Voß hvoss@tug.org  

This is biblatex-juradiss,

it provides a custom citation-style for biblatex, for 
typesetting a german law-thesis.

It requires biblatex and biblatex-dw. The code is in an alpha 

Because the citation-style of german law texts is very special, 
in my opinion, this package will only be interesting for people 
working on German law. Thats why the comments, explaining the 
style are in german.

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. 
See  https://latex-project.org/lppl/ 
for the details of that license.

The former Maintainer of this work was Tobias Schwan.


Dieses LaTeX-Paket beinhaltet Anpassungen fuer die Zitierweise in 
juristischen Texten. 

In dieser ersten Fassung enthaelt es alles Notwendige zum 
Erstellen einer juristischen Dissertation.

Es benoetigt zum Funktionieren die LaTeX-Pakete biblatex und 
biblatex-dw. Empfehlenswert ist ausserdem die Verwendung von 
jurabook als Dokumentenklasse, sowie biber zum Verarbeiten der 

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (135.6k).

biblatex-juradiss – Bib stylefiles for German law theses

The package provides a custom citation-style for typesetting a German law thesis with . The package (using Bib) is based on biblatex-dw and uses biber.

Version0.23 2020-10-01
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2012–2019 Tobias Schwan
2020 Herbert Voß
MaintainerHerbert Voß
Tobias Schwan (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as biblatex-juradiss
MiKTeX as biblatex-juradiss
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