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Directory macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/beameraudience

Copyright (c) 2011 Holger Marschall
Licence: LPPL

1. What is it 
The Beamer Audience package provides macros to easily assemble frames according 
to different audiences. It enables to pick up the frames for a specific audience 
while leaving their order according to a logical structure in the LaTeX source. 
This selection is done at compilation.

This is the very first version! It's still considered experimental! Everything, 
in particular the user interface, may change in the future in order to keep this 
compatible to both beamer and packages extending beamer capabilities.

The Beamer Audience package is a macro collection extending the Beamer Class. 
Although it can only be used with the beamer class, it is not a part of the 
beamer class! 

2. Usage
Include package as 

with the keyword denoting your audience (for example: experts or beginner).

Within the presentation source, use the beameraudience macros in order to 
assemble frames according to the audience. Essentially, there are three macros 
doing the job
* \framefor{/#1/}{/#2/}
* \justfor{/#1/}{/#2/}
* \showcontentfor{/#1/}{/#2/}
/#1/ is to provided as a keyword (for example: experts or beginner)
/#2/ is the content to be selected according to the audience.
     For \framefor{}{} it's the frame content; 
     For \justfor{}{} it can be a frame environment;
     For \showcontentfor{}{} it's the selective content in a frame.

3. Files
readme                      this file
beameraudience.sty          the package

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.0k).

beameraudience – Assembling beamer frames according to audience

The Beamer Audience package provides macros to easily assemble frames according to different audiences. It enables to pick up the frames for a specific audience while leaving their order according to a logical structure in the source.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2011 marschall
MaintainerHolger Marschall
Contained inTeX Live as beameraudience
MiKTeX as beameraudience
See alsobeamer
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