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Directory macros/latex/contrib/arcs

This tiny package provides two commands for placing an arc
over/under a short piece of text.

The code comes from my package `metre'. I have repackaged it
to make it more easily available and to allow the commands
to be used within math formulas.

To install the package:
                         latex arcs.ins
                         latex arcs.dtx

The file arcstest.tex contains some examples of usage.

   Gianfranco Boggio-Togna

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (54.3k).

arcs – Draw arcs over and under text

The package provides two commands for placing an arc over (\overarc) or under (\underarc) a piece of text. (The text may be up to three letters long.) The commands generate an \hbox, and may be used both in text and in maths formulae.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2004 Gianfranco Boggio-Togna
MaintainerGianfranco Boggio-Togna (inactive)
Contained inTeX Live as arcs
MiKTeX as arcs
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