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Directory macros/latex/contrib/annot_pro


annotpro Dated: 2018/08/13 Author: D. P. Story

This package is used to create text, stamp, file attachment, and text box annotations using Adobe Distiller, these annotations can be viewed in Adobe Reader. For users of pdf(la)tex, use the pdfcomment package by Josef Kleber might suffice.

Check out my http://www.acrotex.net/ website and my blog site as well at http://blog.acrotex.net/.

What's New (2018/08/13) Now the package supports text markup annotations; these annotations can break across page boundaries with some help, by setting the crackat key. All supported annotations can now have rich text content.

What's New (2018/04/26): Added dummy package named annot-pro to conform with CTAN naming.

Now, I simply must get back to my retirement.

D. P. Story dpstory@acrotex.net

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.7M).

annot-pro – Create text, stamp and file attachment annotations

This package is used to create text, stamp, and file attachment annotations using Adobe Distiller, which can then be viewed in Adobe Reader.

Users of pdf, may use the pdfcomment package to create text annotations, and attachfile or attachfile2 to create attached file annotations.

Home pagehttp://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/annotpro.html
Version 2018-08-13
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2002–2018 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as annot-pro
MiKTeX as annot-pro
TopicsPDF features
Adobe Distiller
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