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Directory language/korean/kotex-utils



kotex-utils contains useful scripts and support files for Hangul
syllable and jamo character conversion and index generation
aiding typesetting Korean documents. kotex-utils belongs to ko.TeX, 
a comprehensive Korean typesetting system together with packages kotex-utf,
kotex-oblivoir, kotex-plain, cjk-ko, xetexko, and luatexko.


kotex-utils cannot be used without kotex-utf package.


### Scripts

    jamo-normalize.pl -> scripts/kotex-utils/
    komkindex.pl -> scripts/kotex-utils/
    ttf2kotexfont.py -> scripts/kotex-utils/

### Makeindex styles

    kotex.ist -> makeindex/kotex-utils/
    memucs-manual.ist -> makeindex/kotex-utils/

### Xindy modules

    utf8-lang.xdy -> xindy/modules/lang/korean
    utf8.xdy -> xindy/modules/lang/korean

### Documents

    README (this file) -> doc/latex/kotex-utils/


### jamo-normalize.pl

`jamo-normalize.pl` is used for normalizing Hangul text.
It translates Hangul Jamo sequence to precomposed Hangul Syllables. 
It has a simple usage as follows:

    $ perl jamo-normalize.pl [option] < infile > outfile

Options are:

* `-b`: insert Zero Width Space between Hangul syllable blocks. 
This option is just for a proof of concept. Do not use in practice.
* `-c`: convert conjoining Jamo to compatibility Jamo if reasonable.
* `-d`: only decompose Hangul syllables and no further recomposition. Not
recommended for a practical use.
* `-i`: convert CJK Compatibility Ideographs to normal CJK Ideographs
* `-o`: decompose PUA Old Hangul syllables to Hangul Jamo sequence
* `-p`: translate Jamo sequence to PUA Old Hangul syllables. Not recommended for
a practical use.
* `-r`: reorder Hangul Tone Marks to the first position of syllable block. This
option is just for a proof of concept. Do not use in practice.
* `-t`: convert U+00B7 (ยท) or U+003A (:) to Hangul Tone Marks

### komkindex.pl

`komkindex.pl` is a wrapper of standard makeindex utility generating indices for 
Korean documents. You can use komkindex.pl with an index style file `kotex.ist`
as follows:

    $ perl komkindex.pl -s kotex foo

It generates `foo.ind` from `foo.idx` and sorts the index entries according to
the Korean alphabet order.

### xindy modules

kotex-utils also provides modules for powerful Unicode index
generator `xindy`. If you are using xetexko or luatexko for typesetting 
Korean, it is recommended to use these modules for sorting Hangul
index entries. It only supports UTF-8 encoding.
If these modules are placed in a propor directory as suggest above,
you can use them as follows:

    $ texindy -L korean -I omega foo.idx


    $ xindy -M texindy -L korean -C utf8 foo.idx

### ttf2kotexfont.pl

`ttf2kotexfont.pl` is a utility for generating tfm files for truetype fonts
to be used in legacy TeX engines. Please refer to the kotex-utf package 
documentation for more information.


kotex-utils is licensed under the LaTeX Project Public
License (LPPL).


Please report any errors or suggestions to the package maintainer,
Kihwang Lee <leekh at ktug org>.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (145.0k).

kotex-utils – Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean

The bundle provides scripts and support files for index generation in Korean language typesetting.

The files belong to the ko. bundle.

Version2.1.0 2015-10-27
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2003–2013 Dohyun Kim and Kangsoo Kim
MaintainerKihwang Lee
Contained inTeX Live as kotex-utils
MiKTeX as kotex-utils
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