CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory info/translations/array/fr

*                                                                     *
*         About the french translations of LaTeX documentations       *
*                                                                     *

You'll find here french translations of as many LaTeX documentations
as possible. As all those documents are in french and for french
users, all the informations files are in french. We guess it will not
hurt anybody. If it does, just tell us about it and we will write a
few informative files in english.

If you think the idea is interesting and you want to reproduce the
same project in another language, do not hesitate to contact us, we
can help, at least by giving you feedback about the way we work and
how we think it can be improved.

For copyright notice, see the file "copyright".

Happy TeXing,

                  the translation team.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (626.2k).

translation-array-fr – French translation of the documentation of array

A French translation of the documentation of array.

Version 2000-01-21
LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerJean-Pierre Drucbert (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as translation-array-fr
French documentation
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