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Directory info/pstricks_calcnotes

This package presents three applications of PSTricks for making LaTeX lecture notes in

Application 1: Drawing approximations to the area under a graph by rectangles.
Application 2: Drawing the vector field of an ordinary differential equation of order one.
               (The remarks on this application give a way of coloring arrows properly for a vector field.)
Application 3: Drawing partitions of a simply connected plane domain.
               (There is a modified version of this application: AppThreePDF.pdf or AppThreePS.ps.)

Author: Le Phuong Quan
License: lppl

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.0M).

pstricks-calcnotes – Use of PSTricks in calculus lecture notes

The bundle shows the construction of PSTricks macros to draw Riemann sums of an integral and to draw the vector field of an ordinary differential equation. The results are illustrated in a fragment of lecture notes.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerLe Phuong Quan
Contained inTeX Live as pstricks_calcnotes
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