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Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-ode


The pst-ode PSTricks package


© 2012–\today Alexander Grahn

This package defines \pstODEsolve for solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) method with automatic step size adjustment.

\pstODEsolve[<options>]{<result>}{<output format>}{t0}{te}{N}{x0}{f(t,x)}

The state vectors x found at N equally spaced output points between t0 and te are stored in the PostScript object <result>, formatted according to the second argument <output format>, as a long list of values. <output format> lists the quantities to be stored in <result>. The user can select from the elements of x and the integration parameter t.

The initial condition vector x0 and the right-hand side f(t,x) of the ODE system can be input in algebraic notation, if desired. RPN (Postfix) notation of PostScript can as well be used.

<result> can be directly used as the <data> argument of \listplot{<data>} (package pst-plot) or \listplotThreeD{<data>} (package pst-3dplot).

This material is subject to the Project Public License.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (130.6k).

pst-ode – Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations

The package defines \pstODEsolve for solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) method with automatic step size adjustment.

The result is stored as a PostScript object and may be plotted later using macros from other PSTricks packages, such as \listplot (pst-plot) and \listplotThreeD (pst-3dplot), or may be further processed by user-defined PostScript procedures. Optionally, the computed state vectors can be written as a table to a text file.

Version0.19 2024-01-04
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2012–2024 Alexander Grahn
MaintainerAlexander Grahn
TDS archivepst-ode.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as pst-ode
MiKTeX as pst-ode
Graphics plot
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