Directory fonts/mt11p
This is the 0readme file for mt11p. ------ ABSTRACT: mt11p is a package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS (``MathTime complete'') fonts in LaTeX2e. Everything is included, incl. (patched) font metrics, except, of course, the Type1 fonts themselves. The package cooperates with the AMS packages (amsmath, amssymb, etc.) T1 and OT1 encodings (as operators fonts!) are fully supported. It does not assume you own any other commercial (non-resident) fonts. This package has no connection with the ``mathtime'' package by Frank Mittelbach & David Carlisle, commissioned by Y&Y. AUTHOR: Drahoslav L�m (Bug and usage reports welcome.) This software was written as a personal project and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind, not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The author assumes no responsibility for any use. Copyright (C) 1997,2002 Drahoslav L�m See licensing conditions below. ------ FILE LIST: 0readme: this file mt11p.dtx: the documented source mt11p.ins: docstrip driver to generate mt11p.drv and mt11p.sty formatted commented source code (postscript). Can be regenerated from mt11p.dtx map file for the dvi driver test11p.tex: demo file formatted demo file (postscript, bitmaps, not outlines) Can be regenerated from test11p.tex if you own Y&Y fonts. tfm: directory with TFMs. Contains: mtex.tfm mtexb.tfm mtexh.tfm mtgu.tfm mtgub.tfm mtmi.tfm mtmib.tfm mtmih.tfm mtms.tfm mtmsb.tfm mtmu.tfm mtmub.tfm mtmuh.tfm mtsyb.tfm mtsyh.tfm mtsyn.tfm rmtmi.tfm rmtmib.tfm rmtmih.tfm rmtmub.tfm rmtmuh.tfm vf: directory with VFs. Contains: mtmi.vf mtmib.vf mtmih.vf mtmu.vf mtmub.vf mtmuh.vf [TFMs and VFs are binary, the rest is ascii.] ------ INSTALLATION GUIDE: (see commented source for more) Run LaTeX on the dtx file to generate the documentation. Run TeX on mt11p.ins to generate the style file mt11p.sty. Run latex on mt11p.drv to get documentation with commented source code. Copy mt11p.sty to the TeX input file area. Copy the PFA or PFB files from the Y&Y distribution diskettes to the appropriate area on your system. Edit, and/or rename/convert the Type1 font files so that the data in the map file and the actual file names are consistent. Copy the TFMs and VFs into the appropriate areas on your system. Pass the information in to your dvi driver, e.g., append it to Note that the TFM files are not identical to the ones on the Y&Y floppies. NOTE: The VFs assume the 8r-base version of PSNFSS is available. ------ Copyright 1997, 2002 Drahoslav L�m This program may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. This program consists of the following files: 0readme (this file) mt11p.dtx mt11p.ins (formatted documentation) the binary tfm files:: mtex.tfm mtexb.tfm mtexh.tfm mtgu.tfm mtgub.tfm mtmi.tfm mtmib.tfm mtmih.tfm mtms.tfm mtmsb.tfm mtmu.tfm mtmub.tfm mtmuh.tfm mtsyb.tfm mtsyh.tfm mtsyn.tfm rmtmi.tfm rmtmib.tfm rmtmih.tfm rmtmub.tfm rmtmuh.tfm the binary vf files: mtmi.vf mtmib.vf mtmih.vf mtmu.vf mtmub.vf mtmuh.vf
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (500.6k).
mt11p – Use MathTime complete under LaTeX
A package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS (“MathTime complete”) fonts, as distributed by Y&Y, inc, in LaTeX2ε. Everything is included, including (patched) font metrics, except, of course, the Type 1 fonts themselves. The package cooperates with the AMS packages (amsmath, amssymb, etc.); T1 and OT1 encodings (as operator fonts) are fully supported. The package does not assume you own any other commercial (non-printer-resident) fonts.
This package has no connection with the mathtime package by Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle, commissioned by Y&Y. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the package will work with the “MathTime Pro” fonts distributed by Personal TeX Inc (which have superseded the Y&Y distribution).
Package | mt11p |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Drahoslav Lím |
Contained in | MiKTeX as mathtime |
Topics | Font supp maths |