Suggestions for hangcaption
The following packages have something in common with the package hangcaption. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- zaccone: Different configuration for different captions
- topcapt: Place captions above figures or tables
- caption2: Superseded version of the caption package
- bicaption: Support for bilingual captions
- subcaption: Support for sub-captions
- ltcaption: Fix some caption problems in longtables
- caption: Customising captions in floating environments
- acmproc: Style option for ACM proceedings
- acronym209: An algorithm package developed for LaTeX 2.09
- espo: Customisation for Esperanto
- exam209: Process exam questions and answers (LaTeX 2.09)
- schedule209: Typeset schedules
- threecolumn: LaTeX output in three columns
- vita209: A Curriculum Vitae style
- cyrillic209: Provides basic LaTeX 2.09 font access to the Washington cyrillic fonts
- geophysics: Articles for the journal Geophysics
- captcont: Retain float number across several floats
- ccaption: Continuation headings and legends for floats
- mcaption: Put captions in the margin
- multicap: Format captions inside multicols
- capt-of: Captions on more than floats
- captdef: Declare free-standing \caption commands
- altnline: Line numbering in LaTeX 2.09
- bsf: Access bold computer modern sans in LaTeX 2.09
- bsl: Access bold computer modern slanted in LaTeX 2.09
- isolatin1: An obsolete means to use ISO 8859-1 with TeX
- isf: Access italic computer modern sans in LaTeX 2.09
- kalender-209: Produce page-per-day calendars
- lablst-pkg: List names of labels in a document
- makerobust209: Make an existing LaTeX command robust
- mflogo209: Typeset the METAFONT logo under LaTeX 2.09