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ucalgmthesis – thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies

ucalgmthesis.cls is a class file that produces documents according to the thesis guidelines of the University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies.

It uses the memoir class, which provides very powerful and flexible mechanisms for book design and layout. All memoir commands for changing chapter and section headings, page layout, fancy foot- and endnotes, typesetting poems, etc., can be used. (Memoir is meant as a replacement for the standard classes, so all standard commands such as \chapter, \section, etc., still work.) Likewise, any of memoir’s class options can be passed as options to ucalgmthesis, in particular 12pt to select 12 point type (11 point is the default).

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/rzach/ucalgmthesis/issues
Version 2023-03-18
LicensesMIT License
Copyright2019 Richard Zach
MaintainerRichard Zach
Contained inTeX Live as ucalgmthesis
MiKTeX as ucalgmthesis
Document template

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