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eulervm – Euler virtual math fonts

The well-known Euler fonts are suitable for typsetting mathematics in conjunction with a variety of text fonts which do not provide mathematical character sets of their own. Euler-VM is a set of virtual mathematics fonts based on Euler and CM. This approach has several advantages over immediately using the real Euler fonts: Most noticeably, less resources are consumed, the quality of various math symbols is improved and a usable \hslash symbol can be provided. The virtual fonts are accompanied by a package which makes them easy to use, particularly in conjunction with Type1 PostScript text fonts. They are compatible with amsmath. A package option allows the fonts to be loaded at 95% of their nominal size, thus blending better with certain text fonts, e.g., Minion.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerKeiran Harcombe
Walter A. Schmidt (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as eulervm
MiKTeX as eulervm
TopicsFont virtual
Maths Font

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