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arabi – support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel

The package provides an Arabic and Farsi script support for without the need of any external pre-processor, and in a way that is compatible with babel. The bi-directional capability supposes that the user has a engine that knows the four primitives \beginR, \endR, \beginL and \endL. That is the case in both the --XeT and e- engines. Arabi will accept input in several 8-bit encodings, including UTF-8.

Arabi can make use of a wide variety of Arabic and Farsi fonts, and provides one of its own. PDF files generated using Arabi may be searched, and text may be copied from them and pasted elsewhere.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2006 Youssef Jabri
MaintainerYoussef Jabri
Contained inTeX Live as arabi
MiKTeX as arabi
Font Type1
Multi-lingual addon
See alsoarabtex

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