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CTAN Update: boxedminipage

Date: April 22, 2020 12:05:57 PM CEST
Scott Pakin submitted an update to the boxedminipage package. Version: 1.1 2020-04-19 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined) Announcement text:
The boxedminipage package is a very simple package that essentially just wraps a minipage within an \fbox. However, while \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}...\end{minipage}} juts out into the margin, \begin{boxedminipage}...\end{boxedminipage} does not. Instead, it subtracts the frame's dimensions from the specified dimensions of the minipage before typesetting the minipage. Version 1.1 merely renames the package from boxedminipage2e to boxedminipage, replacing the LaTeX 2.09 package of that name.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/boxedminipage The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/boxedminipage/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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boxedminipage – Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)

The package essentially just wraps a minipage within an \fbox. However, while \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}...\end{minipage}} juts out into the margin, \begin{boxedminipage}...\end{boxedminipage} does not. Instead, it subtracts the frame’s dimensions from the specified dimensions of the minipage before typesetting the minipage.

Note: The package was formerly known as boxedminipage2e and now replaces Mario Wolczko’s earlier boxedminipage package.

Version1.1 2020-04-19
Copyright2015–2020 Scott Pakin
MaintainerScott Pakin



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