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CTAN update: tablvar

Date: August 11, 2024 7:41:55 AM CEST
Antoine Missier submitted an update to the tablvar package. Version: 2.1 2024-08-09 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage Announcement text:
What's new in this release? - automatic height calculation for first column cells - new parameters \rowtopsep and \rowbottomsep - pstricks option works now with LuaLaTeX and luapstricks - improvement of the position calculation in the \mil macro - new starred macros \limg*, \limd* and \bblim* - more sophisticated example for \bblim
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/tablvar The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tablvar/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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tablvar – Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage

This is a complete and easy-to-use package for typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage.

  • The syntax is similar to that of the array environment and uses intuitive position commands.
  • Arrows are automatically drawn (with PSTricks or TikZ).
  • Macros are provided for drawing double bars, single bars crossing zero values, intervals where the function is not defined, or for placing special values.
  • Many features of variations tables can be customized.

Version2.1 2024-08-09
Copyright2018–2024 Antoine Missier
MaintainerAntoine Missier



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