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New on CTAN: algolrevived

Date: July 11, 2017 2:16:21 PM CEST
Michael Sharpe submitted the algolrevived package. Version number: 1.00 2017-07-09 License type: ofl lppl1.3c Summary description: A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet Announcement text:
This font package revives Frutinger's Algol alphabet, designed in 1963 for the code segments in an ALGOL manual. Opentype and type1, regular and medium weights, upright and slanted. Not monospaced, but good for listings if you don't need code to be aligned with specific columns. Also, make a passable but limited text font.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/algolrevived More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/algolrevived
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algolrevived – A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet

The package revives Frutiger's Algol alphabet, designed in 1963 for the code segments in an ALGOL manual. OpenType and type1, regular and medium weights, upright and slanted.

Not monospaced, but good for listings if you don't need code to be aligned with specific columns. It also makes a passable but limited text font.

Version1.054 2024-05-26
Copyright2017–2024 Michael Sharpe
MaintainerMichael Sharpe



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