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New on CTAN: bxjatoucs

Date: October 23, 2019 7:57:16 PM CEST
Takayuki Yato submitted the bxjatoucs package. Version: 0.2 2019-10-20 License: mit Summary description: Convert Japanese character code to Unicode Announcement text:
This package provides function-like (fully-expandable) macros that convert a character code value in several Japanese encodings to a Unicode value. Supported source encodings are: ISO-2022-JP (jis), EUC-JP (euc), Shift_JIS (sjis) and the Adobe-Japan1 glyph set.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/bxjatoucs The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/language/japanese/BX/bxjatoucs/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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bxjatoucs – Convert Japanese character code to Unicode

This package is meant for macro/package developers: It provides function-like (fully-expandable) macros that convert a character code value in one of several Japanese encodings to a Unicode value. Supported source encodings are: ISO-2022-JP (jis), EUC-JP (euc), Shift_JIS (sjis), and the Adobe-Japan1 glyph set.

Version0.3a 2024-07-22
Copyright2019–2024 Takayuki YATO (aka. “ZR”)
MaintainerTakayuki Yato



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