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CTAN update: latex2e-help-texinfo

Date: January 16, 2023 8:41:41 PM CET
Karl Berry submitted an update to the latex2e-help-texinfo package. Version number: 2023-01-15 License type: other-free Summary description: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e Announcement text:
A new version of the unofficial LaTeX2e reference manual is available. The easiest way to view the manual is by visiting: https://latexref.xyz It is also available in TeX distributions, and on CTAN at: https://ctan.org/pkg/latex2e-help-texinfo Notable changes since the last release: Additions: * For each node name "foo & bar", provide separate anchors for foo and bar, so they can be referenced individually, especially online. * Brief discussion of bold math alternatives, including for OpenType. Fixes: * description of definition and use of optional arguments somewhat clarified. * \texttt{\textbackslash} (and \textbraceleft and \textbraceright) require T1 or other non-default encoding to produce typewriter characters. * \dots description extended, with more about the amsmath redefinition, and Unicode vs. traditional typesetting. * Spanish translation brought up to date. Formatting: * For the TeX output, enable microtype, since Texinfo now supports it. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Suggestions, bug reports, all discussion welcome. Some ideas for contributions: https://latexref.xyz/dev/writing.html Mailing list details: https://lists.tug.org/latexrefman (in short, email latexrefman at tug.org). Repository and development information: https://latexref.xyz/dev/
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/info/latex2e-help-texinfo More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/latex2e-help-texinfo
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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latex2e-help-texinfo – Unofficial reference manual covering

The manual is provided as Texinfo source (which was originally derived from the VMS help file in the DECUS distribution of 1990, with many subsequent changes). This is a collaborative development, and details of getting involved are to be found on the package home page. A Spanish translation is included here, and a French translation is available as a separate package.

All the other formats in the distribution are derived from the Texinfo source, as usual.

Version 2024-05-13
MaintainerKarl Berry
Jim Hefferon
Stephen Gilmore (inactive)
Torsten Martinsen (inactive)
George Greenwade (deceased)



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