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New on CTAN: esrelation

Date: May 3, 2015 9:47:33 PM CEST
David Reinfurt submitted the esrelation package. Version number: 2015-05-01 License type: noinfo Summary description: Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs Announcement text:
Around 2008, researcher Byron Cook and several colleagues began developing a new set of interrelated algorithms capable of automatically reasoning about the behavior of computer programs and other systems (such as biological systems, circuit designs, etc). At the center of these algorithms were new ideas about the relationships between structures expressable as mathematical sets and relations. Using the language of mathematics and logic, the researchers communicated these new results to others in their community via published papers, research talks, etc. Unfortunately, they found the symbols already available for reasoning about relations lacking (in contrast to sets, which have a long-ago developed and robust symbol vocabulary). Early presentations were unnecessarily cluttered. To more elegantly express these ideas around relations, Cook recruited artist Tauba Auerbach to help develop a set of symbols. This package provides a math symbol font for describing relations betwee! n ordered pairs.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/esrelation More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/esrelation We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org . Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz

esrelation – Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs

Around 2008, researcher Byron Cook and several colleagues began developing a new set of interrelated algorithms capable of automatically reasoning about the behavior of computer programs and other systems (such as biological systems, circuit designs, etc).

At the center of these algorithms were new ideas about the relationships between structures expressable as mathematical sets and relations. Using the language of mathematics and logic, the researchers communicated these new results to others in their community via published papers, research talks, etc. Unfortunately, they found the symbols already available for reasoning about relations lacking (in contrast to sets, which have a long-ago developed and robust symbol vocabulary). Early presentations were unnecessarily cluttered.

To more elegantly express these ideas around relations, Cook recruited artist Tauba Auerbach to help develop a set of symbols. This package provides an math symbol font for describing relations between ordered pairs by using .

Version 2015-05-06
MaintainerDavid Reinfurt



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